Sergei Shmatov | Product Designer


Over 10 years of experience in solving complex problems for digital products


Alpina Digital

Alpina Digital Corporate Library is a modern tool for training and development of company employees for iOS, Android and Web platforms with over 10,000 e-books, audiobooks, videos, courses, webinars and other content. The library is used by more than 1,000 of companies, including Macdonald's, Jonson & Jonson, Coca-cola, Kaspersky Lab, Alfa Bank, Beeline and others. That's over 1,000,000 readers in the B2B segment alone. The library is also available for B2C segment, where after purchase users can get access to thousands of electronic and audiobooks of Alpina publishing house.

Managers of client companies can upload additional content to the library, create step-by-step training programs from the library content and assign them to users using the convenient HR cabinet. There you can also get detailed statistics about content consumption and training program completion by users in general and by each individual employee and download it as a report. There are also tools for customizing the interface design of the library in accordance with the corporate style of the company.

During my work in the product development team we redesigned the functionality and appearance of the library, which had a positive impact on the end-users' experience and significantly increased the sales of our product. We designed and implemented functionality to host webinars directly in the library with screen sharing, video and text chat capabilities. We also launched Alpina.Lecture, Alpina.Lab, Alpina.Academy modules for even more effective training and testing of employees' knowledge. Companies can connect these as add‑on modules and access lectures, courses, webinars and tests for knowledge assessment. In addition, we have improved the purchase and payment scenarios for B2C segment users, which has increased the number of sales of the publisher's books.

Date: 2021–2024

Role: Product Designer

Services: Product Strategy, User Research, UX Design, Information Architecture, UI Design, Interaction Design, UX Writing, User Testing


A platform for efficient online interaction. Granatum allows you to create a fully functional virtual space sufficient for resolving tasks connected with goal-oriented teamwork. It doesn't require a long and pricy preparation process.

The core of Granatum is the session builder. A session is a structural unit of Granatum, it can consist of one or several sheets. Each sheet can contain several blocks with text, pictures, videos, buttons, sticker containers, drawing board, and various variants of tests and surveys with scoring and display options. Presentations, Google Spreadsheets, Miro board, Google Drive files can also be embedded in sheets. The design style of the session can be customised — fonts and colours can be selected from presets or set to custom.

The next important component of Granatum is the video panel and text chat. The video panel has several switchable modes for displaying user and speaker cameras and screen sharing. Participants can use reactions and “hand raising”. If necessary, the presenter can turn off users' cameras and microphones, and disallow them to turn on. The speaker can also kick users out of the session and ban them. In text chat, users exchange shared or private text messages. In group mode, users are transported to separate rooms where they can see, hear, and text only group members. A moderator can connect to any of the groups.

During a session, users flip through the session sheets on their own, or the moderator can flip and scroll the sheets synchronously for everyone in follow mode. The presenter can easily divide users into groups, and show individual tasks to each group. In video chat, participants will only see and hear members of their group at this time, until they are back on the common sheet.

Sessions can be grouped into projects and spaces for different companies. Much attention has been paid to the user management system with user import capabilities, project and session access management, role assignment, and reports on their training and knowledge test results.

Date: 2019–2021

Role: Product Designer

Services: Product Strategy, User Research, Prototyping, UX Design, Information Architecture, UI Design, Interaction Design, UX Writing, User Testing

Desan Game

Desan Game is an app for promoters as an element of gamification to increase efficiency when performing their tasks.

The game space is presented as a map of a real city, which is divided into districts. A team of promoters is attached to each district. The goal of the promoters is to visit the points (shops) of their district, check the arrangement and availability of goods on the shelves and take before and after photos with the help of the application's camera. If everything is done correctly and the captain (supervisor) confirms the arrangement of goods — the point is considered captured and the promoter receives points and trophies (for individual and team). It is possible to get various achievements for different actions. Points earned in the game are converted into money bonuses. Every three days the capture of a point is reset and it is necessary to carry out the arrangement again. If necessary, a team can call for reinforcements (request help from other teams).

The application features a news feed, player chat, map with division into zones and marking capture points, personal and team rating. The app is available for iOS and Android

Date: 2019–2020

Role: UX/UI Designer

Services: User Research, Prototyping, UX/UI Design, Interaction Design, User Testing

Google Play

Online Store Admin System

Administrative system of an online store selling bio supplements.

All online shop administration functions are presented, such as adding and managing products, categories, viewing the list of registered users, confirming and editing customer reviews, creating coupons and gift certificates, subscribing to products, viewing statistics and receiving reports. Special attention was paid to the usability of the admin panel. Flexible filtering and sorting in tables was implemented. User-friendly forms on the pages of adding and editing products, users, etc. have been designed.

Date: 2018

Role: UX/UI Designer

Services: User Research, UX Design, Information Architecture, UI Design, User Testing

Ukrainian Premier League

The official app of the Ukrainian Football Premier League, where fans can find out about upcoming and played matches, see results and details of each match, view the standings, get information about clubs, squads, players, stadiums, read the latest news, view photos and much more.

The app was developed for iOS and Android platforms as a more convenient addition to the official website of the Ukrainian Premier League. Together with the development team, we created one of the best football apps of the time, which received good feedback from many grateful users.

Date: 2017

Role: UX/UI Designer

Services: User Research, UX/UI Design, Interaction Design, User Testingg

Skills & Traits



Product Designer

Alpina Digital


Product Designer



Lead UX/UI Designer



UX/UI Designer



Web Designer

Zolotoy Vek


Graphic Designer



Sergei Shmatov


I'm Sergey, a Product Designer born in Ukraine. I have successful experience in education, e-commerce, finance, healthcare and other areas in B2B and B2C segments. My main focus is digital products with a lot of data and complex user scenarios, such as CRM systems, admin systems, online stores, and all kinds of mobile applications for iOS and Android.

Research, analysis, testing and feedback are my essential tools on the way to a successful product. My knowledge of psychology and empathy help me to build a portrait of the user and anticipate their behaviour, and thus understand in advance where there might be difficulties in interacting with the interface. I understand how to convey the mood of the product through visual design and get the necessary emotional response. User sympathy for the product forms attachment and increases conversion rates.

I am currently open to new opportunities. Are you starting a project? Let's talk about it!

My way

Design became my main profession since 2012, when I finally decided to do what I had always wanted doing. At the beginning of my professional way, I was involved in polygraphy design and developed corporate identity for companies. At the same time I was educated in IT academy in the direction of graphic and web design. I got a job in the largest jewellery company in Ukraine, where I was creating content for online store and social media. However, my desire was to work on websites and applications.

Thanks to great recommendations of my acquaintances, I was invited to join an outsourcing IT company where I worked on design projects for clients from the USA, Canada, Germany, Austria, Israel, Australia, Ukraine and other countries. I gained a wealth of experience, good feedback on my projects and the trust of the company's management. As the company grew, I mentored design interns and led the design team. Soon I took on the company's own product, marking the beginning of my journey in product design.

Years later, after gaining many colleagues and clients in the IT business, I started working in product companies where I was focused on creating successful and useful digital products, mainly in the B2B segment. With experience I learnt to understand business goals, management interests and of course the desires of customers and end users. I don't stop adding to my knowledge, I read articles and studies about UX/UI design with interest, observe trends and look for new examples for inspiration.

After work

During my off hours, I engage in playing musical instruments, presently tackling the bass guitar and harmonica. I also enjoy taking film photography and going outdoors to capture macro shots of insects and small creatures. To stay active, I take cycling trips to scenic places. However, most of my time is spent with my family, exploring museums, interesting places, and discovering new cities together.

I also enjoy science fiction, popular science articles, documentary films, medieval engravings, antiques, cosmology, aviation, mountains, Chinese tea, environmentalism, pacifism, 70s music, …